Pizza is an interesting thing. You can change the toppings, sauces, even the cheeses involved, but as long as it meets a few basic criteria, it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is a lot like that. Symptoms and presentations are caused by numerous different problems, loud noises, genetics, age, or ear obstructions, but as long […]
Tom is excited, he’s getting a brand new knee! Hey, the things you look forward to change as you age. He will be able to move moving around more freely and will experience less pain with his new knee. So Tom is admitted, the operation is successful, and Tom heads home! That’s when things take […]
It isn’t like you simply wake up one day, and your hearing is gone. Hearing loss, particularly when it’s associated with aging, usually progresses in degrees. You might not realize it’s taking place immediately but some indicators do show up earlier. The initial symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Identifying them sooner is crucial […]
It’s an unfortunate fact of life that hearing loss is part of the aging process. Approximately 20 percent of people suffer from some form of hearing loss, though since hearing loss is expected as we age, many decide to leave it unchecked. Ignoring hearing loss, however, can have serious negative side effects on a person’s […]
Otitis media is the medical name for what you probably call an ear infection. Ear infections like this are often seen in babies and young children but they can affect adults, as well, especially during or after a cold or sinus infection. Even a bad tooth can lead to an ear infection. Hearing loss is […]